Why You Need To Get Outdoors Today

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Our friends at Trip Outside wrote up a really cool article on the mental health benefits of simply submersing yourself into the great outdoors. I won’t front - after reading the full article, I knew it was speaking to me. No really, the writer, Julie Singh, shared this article with me to pass on to you. Jokes aside - getting outside and really ‘taking it in,’ is something I have been feeling convicted over. The thing is, I know it will get me out of my head. I don’t mean just taking a walk or jogging - I mean going for a real hike and working to get to my destination. I want to feel the earth beneath me and the satisfaction of finishing something. I want to breathe FRESH air. Sure, in California that means driving quite a ways to do so - but I know it’s worth it.

Recently, I’ve started small. I’ve taken up gardening. NO BIGGIE. Just one planter bed in my backyard - I designated it as mine and decided to revamp it. I picked out Jasmine bushes, rose bushes and small plants that were just plain colorful. I got on my knees and before I knew it I had tossed the shovels and root cutters aside and was using my hands to glide through the earth. I planted each plant, one by one, fertilized and watered the soil as best I could to get the little transplant babies to grow in their new home. Every day, I invest in helping my new garden grow. Guys - it feels so good! Even if you just go buy a plastic pot from Home Depot and one little plant - do it! Grow something - be responsible for something other than yourself. Take ownership over that.

Here are some of my favorite sections of Julie’s article that I want you to read. She really hits some excellent points on the fascinating effects the great outdoors has on our mental health.

Be sure to check out the full article here.

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